Speak Truth in Your Heart

    Speak Truth in Your Heart

    Regular Price: $16.00 Sale: $13.99
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 280 pages

    Product Description

    Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. In her new book, Sarah Mally challenges girls to identify lies which are root issues behind struggles they face. Including thought-provoking cartoons, stories, Biblical teaching, and practical steps of action, Speak Truth in Your Heart teaches girls to replace lies with the truth and align their thinking with God’s Word.

    When a young lady learns to speak truth TO herself, she is planting her feet upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy. She will see how God’s Word will transform each area of her life as the truth sets her free!

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 280 pages
    • Publisher: Tomorrow's Forefathers, 2018
    • ISBN-13: 978-1-940793-03-0
    • Dimensions: 9", 6", 5/8"
    Product Code: STYH
    Shipping Weight: 1.27 pounds
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