The Lies We Believe That Cause Stress and Disease

    The Lies We Believe That Cause Stress and Disease

    Regular Price: $9.00 Sale: $7.20
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    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 33 pages

    Product Description

    This resource is also available in Spanish.

    When decisions are made, whether good or bad, there are always consequences. When a person makes an unwise choice, it can often be traced back to a fear, such as the fear of rejection, or a fear of failure. These fears are rooted in lies. Because of these lies, we experience painful memories caused by individuals or circumstances. Unresolved painful memories lead to stress and disease.

    This study guide will help you identify and denounce the lies you may believe: “I’m ugly,” “I’m a failure,” etc. Follow the step-by-step instructions to overcome your fears and transform painful memories. Discover the liberty to forgive your offender and anticipate the freedom that comes from a transformed spirit, soul, and body!

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 33 pages
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2009
    • Dimensions: 11", 8 1/2", 1/8"
    Product Code: TLWB
    Shipping Weight: 0.39 pounds
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