Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends

    Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends

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    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 280 pages

    Product Description

    This resource is also available in Spanish.

    There is a special lifelong treasure that God designed to exist in the friendship of brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, few people realize this or ever see it as a possibility.

    The emphasis of this book is not merely “getting along” with your brothers and sisters, but making them your best friends. In their book, the Mally children share personal stories about how they were able to overcome their differences and learn to appreciate and love each other as close friends.

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 280 pages
    • Publisher: Tomorrow's Forefathers, 2013
    • ISBN: 0-9719405-0-9
    • ISBN-13: 978-0-9719405-0-5
    • Dimensions: 9", 6", 1/2"
    Product Code: BSBF
    Shipping Weight: 1.23 pounds
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