How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling

    How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling

    Regular Price: $15.00 Sale: $9.00
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 196 pages

    Product Description

    Many people have asked how Frank Bettger became such a successful salesman. Encouraged to reveal his secrets to success, Frank decided to document his formulas so that you, too, can excel. Although geared toward salesmanship in the commercial market, this book offers tips and suggestions that can greatly influence success in any walk of life. Its practical instruction can increase effectiveness in ministry, discipleship, family relationships, and the workplace.

    A few of the topics covered are the power of enthusiasm, how to conquer fear, and the quickest way to win confidence. This material will help you immensely; anyone who wants to be successful should read it!

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 196 pages
    • Publisher: Simon & Shuster, 1977
    • ISBN: 0-671-79437-X
    • ISBN-13: 978-0-671-79437-8
    • Dimensions: 8 1/2", 5 1/2", 1/2"
    Product Code: HRMF
    Shipping Weight: 0.51 pounds
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