Bridging the Gap (Between You and Your Folks)

    Bridging the Gap (Between You and Your Folks)

    Regular Price: $13.00 Sale: $7.95
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 240 pages

    Product Description

    Children often have a "love-hate" relationship with their parents. They love how their parents provide them with food, shelter, and money, but they dislike discipline, rules, and boundaries. Oftentimes, "getting along" seems like rocket science or nuclear chemistry. Probably many rocket scientists have faced similar relationship issues! Why is the parent-child relationship important? Is there really any hope for this relationship to not be filled with conflict?

    Bridging the Gap is filled with real life examples, numerous drawings, and creative ideas to help encourage you to build a loving relationship with your parents.

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 240 pages
    • Publisher: Patience Normoyle, 2017
    • ISBN: 1535409355
    • ISBN-13: 9781535409353
    • Dimensions: 9", 6", 3/4"
    Product Code: BTG
    Shipping Weight: 1.18 pounds