What to Do With All My Flaws
$1.99 - $12.00
Product Description
I have so much to learn! Even applying what I already know about Jesus seems to be a process that takes way too long! Will I ever be perfect? In a special message geared toward young ladies who find themselves looking in the mirror and becoming introspective, Becky Keilen shares how the Lord brought her out of her checklist approach to Christianity and helped her say "Yes" to His own work in her life. Now, no matter how many "yucky things" she sees, she can look up and let Christ's strength come through where she is weak. I too can learn that type of Christianity. In Christ, I can avoid self-improvement traps, confess my sins, AND confess Christ as the only one Who can "fix it"--by replacing me with Him!Product Details
- Length: 31 Minutes
- Publisher: IBLP, 2015
Product Code: ZWDWMF