Biblically Handling Conflict Resolution

    Biblically Handling Conflict Resolution

    $1.99 - $14.00 $0.99 - $9.80
    • Length: 65-112 Minutes

    Product Description

    With the need we have today for unity in the church and harmony in the family, you would conclude that sermons on reconciliation would abound. Not so. Confronting sin is hard work. We need to hear what the Bible says to win a wayward brother. Thankfully, as you will see, Scripture does have a wealth of practical instruction on correcting blindspots and errors of every sort. Along with Matthew 18, the other verses amplified here are sure to cover any situation, Dr. Martin encourages us to take conflict seriously and yet simply.

    Please note that the DVD is a 112 minute message entitled Biblcal Conflict Resolution by Dr. Jobe Martin.

    Product Details

    • Length: 65-112 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2017
    Product Code: ZBHCR
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