The Dangerous Game

    The Dangerous Game

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 54 Minutes

    Product Description

    In this lively message, Eric Ludy demonstrates the incredible opportunity each of us has to look at problems and suffering from a whole new perspective. “How many of you go to bed at night and dream of a challenge, a trial?” asks Ludy. Most of us do not. But then what if life was like a game, or marvelous play in which you held the center of the stage? Ludy takes 6 games, illustrated by photos of people enjoying these activities, and relates them to various trials we face. Not the least of which is Parkour, a game in which you purposefully take the hard way, and use all means to get past obstacles. Similarly, we can welcome hard things in life as an opportunity to climb, to jump, and to overcome! An invigorating message.

    Product Details

    • Length: 54 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2021
    Product Code: ZDG