Phonics Friends

    Phonics Friends

    Regular Price: $0.60 Sale: $0.48
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 40 pages

    Product Description

    Meet the thirty–six Phonics Friends and their “secrets” on how to read and spell. Two skills are needed to read and spell: understanding the parts which make up a word, and knowing how to put those parts together. This resource will help your student do both. A single letter or group of letters that together make a unique sound is called a “phonogram” and these are divided into four phonogram families. Then learn how thirty–six Phonics Friends govern the way these phonograms can be combined. They help you recognize the consistent patterns in the spelling of the English language.

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 40 pages
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 1992
    • Dimensions: 11", 8 1/2", 1/8"
    Product Code: PF
    Shipping Weight: 0.37 pounds
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