Legacy of Faith: Keith Daniel
Product Description
Born and raised in South Africa, Keith’s early years were marked by hardship. Battling family tensions at home, he turned to the world for fulfillment and embraced a carnal lifestyle. But once he encountered Christ, there was a radical shift in his life. In contrast to his earlier pursuits, Keith began to hunger for the Word of God. As he committed to “soaking himself in the Word,” he became a servant through which God could declare His truth with power. In this Legacy of Faith presentation, Brother Keith shares his remarkable journey from hopelessness to redemption, where God took his broken life and transformed it for His glory.

This series features 4 episodes:
- Redemption’s Dawn: Part 1
After serving in World War II, Keith’s father succumbed to alcohol, causing great tension in their family. This difficult situation drove Keith to run away from home multiple times as a child. Soon his family was at risk of severing completely as Keith’s mother filed for divorce. But it was at this moment that God reached into the Daniel family through a most unlikely avenue. - Redemption’s Dawn: Part 2
After receiving salvation, Keith found himself hungering for the Word of God and began spreading the Gospel to those around him. Considering his background, Keith never thought he could serve in full time ministry, but he still felt a strong calling to become a preacher. He enrolled in Bible school, where he met his future wife, Jenny, through a series of rather amusing events. - Moves of God’s Spirit: Part 1
When Keith began preaching, it became clear that God’s anointing was upon him. As he gave his heart to the Scriptures and to prayer, Keith began to see God accomplish mighty things. But the work God was doing through Keith was not just among the congregations where he preached—it also was evident as he followed God’s direction as he traveled through city streets of Africa. - Moves of God’s Spirit: Part 2
“I want you to bring back the Word of God.” This was the message that God laid upon Keith’s heart as he devoted himself to the Lord’s service. When he yielded to this calling, God opened unexpected doors for him to preach across the globe. But his uncompromising preaching not only drew grateful audiences, but spiteful opposition as well.
Product Details
- Length: 159 minutes
- Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2020
Product Code: ZLFDS