Journal of Legal Studies 5 - Unalienable Rights

    Journal of Legal Studies 5 - Unalienable Rights

    Regular Price: $5.00 Sale: $4.00
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 50 pages

    Product Description

    With so many different groups today asserting that they have “rights” it is critically important to distinguish between unalienable and civil rights. The nature and purpose of each dictate the duties and the liberties involved. Also, if one is able to distinguish between civil and unalienable rights, one is able to see that many of the current claims for certain “rights” are not rights at all but, in fact, are attempts to secure protection for actions which violate God’s principle of design and the laws of nature. The distinction between unalienable rights and civil rights is a critical one. This booklet enables citizens to properly understand their freedoms, and it clarifies the civil government’s role as a protector of unalienable rights in relation to the jurisdictions of the individual, the family, and the church.

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 50 pages
    • Publisher: Oak Brook College of Law, 1997
    • Dimensions: 9 1/4", 6", 1/4"
    Product Code: JLS5
    Shipping Weight: 0.35 pounds