How a Funeral Motivated a Father to Conquer His Greatest Flaw

    How a Funeral Motivated a Father to Conquer His Greatest Flaw

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 52 Minutes

    Product Description

    "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God ... humbled Himself ...." Is this mind in you? For Jim Sammons, having the mind of Christ had a tangible affect on each of his family relationships. Christ can help you too, today, to overcome a common blindspot. His grace is great. He is able to turn back any number of the small but selfish habits that grow from putting ourselves first.

    Product Details

    • Length: 52 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 1996
    Product Code: ZFMFCF
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