Courage When I Offend Others: Turn a Mess Into a Message

    Courage When I Offend Others: Turn a Mess Into a Message

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 57 minutes

    Product Description

    Prepare for a new relationship-centered understanding of Matthew Chapter 18: an insightful application by Chris Hogan about all that is necessary for restoring and being restored. Whether an angry man realizing his offence, a confounded husband seeking to understand his wife, or a frustrated mother struggling to perfect her children, each must sooner or later face the root cause of contention: pride. If pride is the cause of conflict, then humility is the cure. Chris Hogan’s talk reveals how the course of repentance can rebuild the capacity for connection.

    Product Details

    • Length: 57 minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2013
    Product Code: ZC13CH1
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