Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum: Reverence

    Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum: Reverence

    $3.00 - $10.00 $3.00 - $9.00
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 32 Pages

    Product Description

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    The Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum is designed to help you teach character with a focus on God’s Word and applying His ways in everyday decisions. Each booklet defines the featured character quality, examines related Scripture, offers practical application, presents a hymn and its history, and includes four lessons — each containing Bible story questions, a coloring page, a memory verse, and a related activity.

    A closer look:

    The reverence booklet includes four lessons to instill in children a sense of awe toward God and of honor toward others:

    1. Stand in Awe features the story of the search for the King.
    2. Worship Only Him features the story of the case of the mistaken identities.
    3. Honor My Leaders features the story of the son who wanted to be king.
    4. Treat Every Person with Dignity features the story of favoritism creeping into the early Church.

    Through this study, children are encouraged to trust, worship, and fear God as they see Him work through the people and circumstances in their lives.

    If you have any questions on using the material or would like more information on the character calendar or curriculum, please email us at

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 32 Pages
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2021
    Product Code: ZBCREV
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