The Secret to Removing Stress in Your Marriage

    The Secret to Removing Stress in Your Marriage

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 37 Minutes

    Product Description

    Gil and Kelly Bates are the proud parents of 18 children. Mr. Bates owns his small family company, Bates Tree Company. Mrs. Bates is a homemaker. With a family this large, one would assume there would be enormous stress on their marriage. In this message, find out how this couple resolved the stress in their marriage.

    The Secrets of Removing Stress in Marriage is for married and unmarried alike; a wonderful message to hear in preparation for marriage or in effort to redeem or strengthen a marriage.

    Product Details

    • Length: 37 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2009
    Product Code: ZSRS
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