Seek Ye the Lord, While He May Be Found!

    Seek Ye the Lord, While He May Be Found!

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 44 Minutes

    Product Description

    Many verses compel us to seek the Lord. Presumably, it's something I should and can do all the time. What then does Isaiah mean by that added phrase: "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found" (Isaiah 55:6)? Could it be that I'm not as in control of my life and my time as I think? Could it be that I cannot seek the Lord on my own time? Could it be that now is the accepted time and tomorrow will never come? Keith Daniel's answer is Yes, and the stories and verses rehearsed in this message explain why.

    Product Details

    • Length: 44 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2017
    Product Code: ZSLWMF
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