Practicing Predictability

    Practicing Predictability

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 50 Minutes

    Product Description

    Whether from the world or the workplace, or from the culture at large or personal problems, pressures abound. Pressures come with being human. The same pressures men have today also were faced by men such as King David, prayerful Daniel, the prophet Eli, the apostle Peter, Roman ruler Pilate, humble Moses, and more. Our heavenly Father designed men as fathers to bear up under stress. We can rely on God’s grace and thereby become dependable ourselves. We can emulate Him in His example of faithfulness and consistency. Our reliance upon God’s faithfulness provides the security and stability our wives and children need to thrive.

    Product Details

    • Length: 50 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2019
    Product Code: ZPRPR
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