Noble Deeds that Reveal the Love of God
$1.99 - $12.00
Product Description
This last session summarizes the series for noble men. It has been sobering to realize all that God calls us to as men. And yet Christ knows exactly the way we feel. Whether it was healing, listening, or just living by example, he found strength to do all the Father wanted Him to do, and invites us as well to enter into that strength. Keeping our focus on our noble Leader, it will become more and more apparent what things are distractions from our one noble calling. Let us make our calling sure and talk with our family about the noble deeds required to bridge the gulf between reality and vision, what is and what should be, what could be and what will be!
Product Details
- Length: 50 Minutes
- Publisher: IBLP, 2005
Product Code: ZNDRLG