New Insights for a Walk of Victory

    New Insights for a Walk of Victory

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 43 minutes

    Product Description

    What hinders us from experiencing growth and power in our daily walk with the Lord? Perhaps the real question that should be considered is "what do I do to facilitate Jesus Christ's transforming work in my life?" Jim Logan submits that simply prayer and a persistent pursuit of the Lord can yield unimaginable rewards in our hearts and the lives of those around us. While the realization of these two disciplines require the struggle of a lifetime to begin to grasp, peace and hope can be secured in the promise that the God that assigned worth to the unworthy is the One that has already granted victory to all those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

    Product Details

    • Length: 43 minutes
    Product Code: ZNIWV