High Places of Education
Product Description
If God’s ways are higher than our ways, what are God’s ways for teaching our sons and daughters at home? How does His learning sequence in II Peter 1 compare to a Standardized Achievement Test and what are the other standard practices of the school system that we need to re-evaluate as we chart our course for our children? This succinct analysis of the trends in American school — and day care — rings with the same truth today that it did in 1992 when Inge Canon first presented her research at the ATI Training Conference in Knoxville, Tennesee. Under the brilliant light of several basic tenants from the Bible, ten exalted “high places”: quantified comparison (the bell-shaped curve), covering material, grading, equivalency, humanism, self expression, methodology (accreditation), socialization, exposure, and statistical verification are broken down and answered one at a time. If you want to keep from bringing these things home from school, this is for you.
Product Details
- Length: 73 minutes
- Publisher: IBLP Publications, 1992