Commands of Christ Memorization and Meditation Tool Set

    Commands of Christ Memorization and Meditation Tool Set

    Regular Price: $17.00 Sale: $12.00
    • Format: Pocket guide, journal, memory cards and holder, and bookmark

    Product Description

    When purchased as a set, you save 20% on the cost of these effective memorization and meditation tools. Items included in the set are:

    • Commands of Christ Pocket Guide
      Designed to aid you in memorizing and meditating on that which matters most—the commands of Jesus—this pocket guide contains a concise overview of forty-nine general commands of Christ.
    • Commands of Christ Memorization and Meditation Journal
      This journal can help you reach the goals of being a disciple of Jesus and experiencing rich fellowship with Him by providing structure for an in-depth study of the commands of Christ.
    • Commands of Christ Pocket Memory Cards and Holder
      The compact size of these Commands of Christ Memory Cards (2” x 2 3/4”) makes them perfect for carrying with you to study and review throughout the spare moments in your day.
    • Commands of Christ Bookmark
      This convenient reference tool lists 49 commands of Christ with Scripture references and related character qualities.

    Product Details

    • Format: Pocket guide, journal, memory cards and holder, and bookmark
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications
    • Dimensions: 11", 8 1/2", 3/4"
    Product Code: COCJS
    Shipping Weight: 1.40 pounds