Achieving True Success: Building a Character Family
Product Description
This resource is also available in Spanish.
This is a valuable resource for any family seeking to build character and find true success in life. Learn what character is and how you can benefit from having a character-focused family. In this book, each of the 49 character qualities is explained in detail along with its rewards and practical steps of action.
One father said, “This program has been a turning point for our family – it makes me as a father more accountable. It makes a difference in everything: how we treat each other, our behavior, and our entire lives.”
Product Details
- Format: Hardcover
- Length: 68 pages
- Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2014
- ISBN-13: 978-0-916888-66-4
- Dimensions: 11 1/4", 8 1/2", 1/2"
Product Code: ATS
Shipping Weight:
1.68 pounds