A Major Hindrance to Spiritual Growth

    A Major Hindrance to Spiritual Growth

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 41 minutes

    Product Description

    Jim Logan's relationship with his father was a bitter one. He felt that nothing would ever take away the feelings of resentment toward him and the fear of further rejection from others. A miracle that saved him from committing suicide. Attending church. Moving away from home. The army. Employment. Ministry. Becoming a Christian. Becoming a pastor. Witnessing to cowboys and loggers in California. Life in the country. Life in the city. None of these erased the feeling of bitterness and hatred. And when Pastor Logan first heard about the principle of God-ordained authority, he set out to prove it was heresy. God's Word however, and the Holy Spirit were faithful and because of this the life story of Jim Logan has been used of the Lord to restore countless young men who have grown up in similar situations.

    Parents: Due to the topics discussed, some of the content may not be suitable for young children.

    Product Details

    • Length: 41 minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2000
    Product Code: ZHSG
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