With All Your Heart

    With All Your Heart

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 44 minutes

    Product Description

    Have you learned to trust God despite your emotions? Yes? Then now, how about learning to trust God with your emotions! Considering our tumultuous times, Peter Magnuson identifies the feelings and fears that many are experiencing. He illustrates his main point with examples from visiting Chick-Fil-A to skydiving to the disciples sailing the stormy sea with Jesus. His final illustration about an outing with his two young children is a touching example of complete, childlike faith. Listen and learn with Pastor Magnuson about how God desires that we learn to trust Him with all our heart!

    Product Details

    • Length: 44 minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2020
    Product Code: ZWAYH
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