The Glory of God Revealed in the three Appearings of Our Great High Priest

    The Glory of God Revealed in the three Appearings of Our Great High Priest

    $1.99 - $4.99 $0.99 - $2.49
    • Length: 52 Minutes

    Product Description

    Bryan Hughes focuses on the glory of God, emphasizing Jesus Christ’s past sacrifice, present intercession, and future return. Using Hebrews 9:23-28, he explains that Jesus came to earth to put away sin through His sacrifice, that, currently, Jesus intercedes for believers at God’s right hand, helping them overcome sin’s power and that in the future, Jesus will return to complete the salvation of believers, transforming their bodies and freeing them from sin’s presence.

    He urges us to live in anticipation of Christ’s return, emphasizing the need to be spiritually prepared and focused on God’s work.

    Product Details

    • Length: 52 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2024
    Product Code: ZGOGR24
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