Show Me Your Glory

    Show Me Your Glory

    $1.99 - $4.99 $0.99 - $2.49
    • Length: 51 Minutes

    Product Description

    Pastor Joe Mueller discusses Moses’ conversations with God following the golden calf incident. Moses deeply intercedes for the Israelites and insists on God’s presence with them despite their sin. God initially offers to send an angel instead, but Moses insists they cannot proceed without God Himself.

    Key points include:
    1. God’s Presence Over Blessings: Moses emphasizes the necessity of God’s presence over His blessings or protection.
    2. Intercessory Role: Moses demonstrates a willingness to bear the people’s sins to secure God’s forgiveness.
    3. Persistent Prayer: Moses persistently prays to understand God’s ways and see His glory.

    God shows His glory, revealing His nature as merciful, gracious, long-suffering, and just. This highlights the importance of seeking a deep relationship with God rather than merely His blessings. Moses’ experience serves as a reminder of the transformative power of God’s presence in our lives.

    Product Details

    • Length: 51 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2024
    Product Code: ZSYG24
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