Purity, Patience, and Power

    Purity, Patience, and Power

    $1.99 - $4.99 $0.99 - $2.49
    • Length: 45 Minutes

    Product Description

    Nate Paine’s lifework has taken him into the prisons of the United States. Frankly, the bondage that he has seen there, he sees also in the churches of the United States. Young person, if you would like to be free on the inside, this message is for you. Beginning in John 8:31, Nate unravels the mystery of why freedom cannot be defined as the power to do what I want but rather the power to do what I ought, shining wholeheartedly for Christ in a dark, dark world.

    Product Details

    • Length: 45 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2022
    Product Code: ZPPAP22