Now is Not the Time to Go Wobbly
$1.99 - $12.00
Product Description
There is a spiritual realm, and pivotal battles are raging in this realm. Does our generation have a part in that spiritual realm warfare? Johnny Pope assures us, “Yes!” From the Old Testament, he brings to life the example of Abishai, a young man who stepped up to take part in the battle. It was his turn! His aging uncle, King David, had only the strength to cheer the younger man on in the battle with Ishbibenob, a young giant wielding a new sword. Now was not the time “to go wobbly”! To win the conflict against their foe, both generations would have to be “all in” together.
Product Details
- Length: 52 Minutes
- Publisher: IBLP, 2020
Product Code: ZNNTW