Character Booklets 1-6

    Character Booklets 1-6

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    • Format: 6 Softcovers
    • Length: 132 pages

    Product Description

    This resource is also available in Spanish.

    These colorful booklets teach the character qualities of attentiveness, obedience, gratefulness, truthfulness, orderliness, and diligence with lessons from nature as well as lessons from Scripture.

    They are written for a wide range of ages and can be used for both personal or for teaching, whether at home or in a classroom setting. Certificates of achievement to be awarded upon completion are included in the back of each book.

    Find out more about each booklet by using the links below:

    List of Character Qualities:

    1. Alertness
    2. Attentiveness
    3. Availability
    4. Benevolence
    5. Boldness
    6. Cautiousness
    7. Compassion
    8. Contentment
    9. Creativity
    10. Decisiveness
    11. Deference
    12. Dependability
    13. Determination
    14. Diligence
    15. Discernment
    16. Discretion
    17. Endurance
    18. Enthusiasm
    19. Faith
    20. Flexibility
    21. Forgiveness
    22. Generosity
    23. Gentleness
    24. Gratefulness
    25. Honor
    26. Hospitality
    27. Humility
    28. Initiative
    29. Joyfulness
    30. Justice
    31. Loyalty
    32. Meekness
    33. Obedience
    34. Orderliness
    35. Patience
    36. Persuasiveness
    37. Punctuality
    38. Resourcefulness
    39. Responsibility
    40. Security
    41. Self-Control
    42. Sensitivity
    43. Sincerity
    44. Thoroughness
    45. Thriftiness
    46. Tolerance
    47. Truthfulness
    48. Virtue
    49. Wisdom

    Product Details

    • Format: 6 Softcovers
    • Length: 132 pages
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications
    • Dimensions: 11", 8 1/2", 1/2"
    Product Code: CQSET
    Shipping Weight: 1.69 pounds
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