Love Wins the World

    Love Wins the World

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 32 Minutes

    Product Description

    In Otto Koning's Pineapple Story series, he introduced his two arch enemies, Soho and Ketoho, in "The Weapon of Love." In His sovereignty, God placed them in the village along the path he had to travel. Can you relate to Otto's experience? Are there unavoidable antagonists always "in your way" at home, school, or even at church? In this message, Otto's retelling of that somber story in hindsight will give perspective on how we can love each opponent we encounter with the love of Christ. Obey Christ's command to love our enemies and watch Him do miracles!

    Product Details

    • Length: 32 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2018
    Product Code: ZLWW
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