How to Recognize the Destroyer in Your Home

    How to Recognize the Destroyer in Your Home

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 45 Minutes

    Product Description

    When Gil Bates humbled himself and started to see himself the way his wife and children did, he knew a little change was in order. For instance, one question he asked himself was simply, "How do I look to my wife and kids when I walk in the door after work?" Yes, I may see many things in my home that need changing, but I'm the Dad. I'm the one who can eventually transform my home from a place of frustration or intimidation to a place of affirmation and actual progress in the relationships that matter most.

    Product Details

    • Length: 45 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2017
    Product Code: ZHRDYH
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