Trusting the Lord to Bring You a Life Partner

    Trusting the Lord to Bring You a Life Partner

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 61 Minutes

    Product Description

    David Waller used to be single. Priscilla, too, of course. Now the two are happily married - to each other! So, what exactly did God use in their single years to prepare them for a life together? How could they avoid distraction and be preparing for marriage at the same time? They want you to know! It's testimonies like this one that show the practical "who's" and "what's" God can use to help each of us in this potentially confusing area. In this message the Wallers look back and summarize some key principles that have made for happiness before and after their wedding day.

    Product Details

    • Length: 61 Minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2017
    Product Code: ZTLBLP
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