Eight Factors of Being Relatable

    Eight Factors of Being Relatable

    $1.99 - $12.00
    • Length: 37 minutes

    Product Description

    Do you notice other people? Do you realize God rejoices to be with you and He is ready to become involved in the things that are on your heart? Hopefully, knowing of His interest in you will cause you to have greater interest in others. Chris Hogan developed five “conversations” used to help fathers, husbands, and businessmen around the world. With testimonies from Korea and Singapore, he highlights the cross-cultural effectiveness of genuine love when it is expressed in the right words with the right spirit. Discover the secrets to giving a perfect greeting, listening with your heart, and responding to common occurrences with uncommon graciousness.

    Product Details

    • Length: 37 minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications
    Product Code: ZEF
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