Developing a Heart for God's Ways

    Developing a Heart for God's Ways

    $1.99 - $12.00 $0.99 - $8.40
    • Length: 26 minutes

    Product Description

    The variety of methods, customs, analogies, words and works through which God has prepared people groups for the Gospel of Christ may come across as downright strange. But this should not be surprising. Even many of Jesus’ own miracles and parables seemed to obscure the truth rather than make it clear … at first. With thrilling reports from modern missions in New Guinea, Thailand, the Philippines, and the far reaches of Canada, Otto Koning reiterates what Paul himself began to see in Athens, Greece at the altar of the unknown God: namely, that God has a way of preparing both missionary and mission field for the entry of the good news. Even the breakdown of a 1938 Buick in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador is not an accident for those who trust that in every detail God has gone before!

    To listen to an expanded version of the redemptive analogy Peace Child, by Don Richardson, go to Cultural Compasses That Point Mankind to Jesus.

    Product Details

    • Length: 26 minutes
    • Publisher: IBLP, 2000
    Product Code: ZHGW
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