Change to Chains

    Change to Chains

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    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 299 pages

    Product Description

    What is going on in the world? Is it politics as usual or is there a bigger picture? Can the past give us an insight into the future? Read Bill Federer’s fascinating new book, Change to Chains—the 6000 year Quest for Control.

    In the nearly 6,000 years of recorded human history, the most common form of human government has been monarchy—the rule of a king. Throughout history, a small number of alternatives to monarchy have been attempted, with America being the most successful. Why? Because America had a secret ingredient.

    In Change to Chains, author Bill Federer walks through the historical cycle of power shifting from a centralized source to the people and back again. He shows why citizens must be ever mindful of the past in order not to repeat it.

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 299 pages
    • Publisher: Amerisearch, Inc., 2012
    • ISBN: 978-0-9827101-4-2
    • Dimensions: 8 1/2", 5 1/2", 3/4"
    Product Code: CTCB
    Shipping Weight: 1.18 pounds