Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum: Obedience

    Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum: Obedience

    $3.00 - $10.00 $3.00 - $8.00
    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 32 pages

    Product Description

    A closer look:

    The obedience booklet includes four lessons that illustrate how God enables us to rightly respond to parents and other authorities:

    1. Yield My Will features the story of King Saul’s negative example of not following God’s instructions.
    2. Obey My Authorities Immediately features the story of the fishermen Jesus called to be His disciples.
    3. Make My Authorities Successful features the story of Joseph serving his Egyptian master.
    4. Make Wise Appeals features the story of Daniel’s response to the king’s delicacies.

    Through this study, children are motivated to develop a heart that desires to hear God and trusts His loving leadership.

    If you have any questions on using the material or would like more information on the character calendar or curriculum, please email us at

    Product Details

    • Format: Softcover
    • Length: 32 pages
    • Publisher: IBLP Publications, 2018
    Product Code: ZBCOBE
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